Nicole & Tre

Nicole & Tre

June 2, 2024 • Wilmington, NC
Nicole & Tre

Nicole & Tre

June 2, 2024 • Wilmington, NC

Our Story

To Love!

“I was working at Blyth and Burrows at the time. I remember when he walked in, I knew there was something different about him, and I knew he wasn’t from Portland, Maine."

- Nicole

"When I saw her I knew I had to approach her…

After a little small talk, I asked her for a pen and paper and she handed me an oyster card. I wrote down my number and without hesitation, wrote “shoot me a text" My attempt failed and she never texted or called!”


"Months later Tre returned to Blyth and Burrows and this time I was not in a relationship, which is why I never called or texted him. We finally went on our first date, and like many others, we experienced the unknown of the pandemic. Tre’s season was cut short and he moved back to North Carolina. We did long distance for nearly a year and a half before making the move to State College, PA to start our life together. A year later, we made another move to South Bend, Indiana to continue building our life together. Over 4 years and 5 cities later, and we continue to love and support each other unconditionally."

- Nicole

To love…and basketball.